Is the process working?
A few months ago after doing a Facebook live video on the importance of having goals in life I had an email from someone who questioned everything I said. His argument was that he had set a big goal for his life but It never came to reality. He told me about hours he used to put into his dream and by the sound of it he was not a lazy person, he was putting in the time he needed to. He told me that days he would start working at 5am and he would get home until 11pm. He had a goal and a vision to change his life so why did his life not change, why was his on social Media at 59 years of age arguing with a 26 year old about goals? What I got from talking to him was that he was good honest guy who had worked so hard all his life to achieve his dreams but did not succeed.
The question then is, does setting a goal transform your life for the better? The answer to this question is yes it does and I would die by my answer. If the answer is yes why then do a lot of honest hard working people achieve very little in life? The answer ladies and gentlemen is that for so many years all we were told was, you must have a goal and work hard. A lot of people work hard every day and they get nowhere near their aspirations for one reason only. There is too much emphasis on the goal even when people are doing things that will not get them to their desired destination. What is the answer then Frank? Process is the answer Ladies and Gentlemen. When you set your foal you have to look at ways of working, if you have been working on a a goal for two years and you have not made any progress, it’s time to change your approach to your goal. You will only make progress if the process is working. Set yourself deadline to achieve something because this will tell you whether what you are doing is working or not. For example if you set a six months deadline to achieve something if you have not made any progress in that time you will know that your process is not working and its time find a process that will work. If you discover that you have made progress in the next six months you will know that the process is working. Therefore the key to achieving your goals in life is finding a process that they will guarantee great results.