Don’t start a new project until you finish the current one
Frank! Frank! I have just found a wonderful life coaching course and I have just enrolled on it. Three days later Frank! Frank! I just found this wonderful leadership coaching course and I have just enrolled it. Four months later I asked him how he was doing in the two courses and he said he enrolled but did not do either courses.
This is the story of so many people, they start a lot of things in their life but they never see anything through. If you want to succeed you must start one thing and see it through without starting anything else whilst your current project is still incomplete. If you think another project will benefit your future success don’t be tempted to look at it, you must make sure you carry a note pad with you at all times and if you get any good ideas just write them down so that you are able to go back to them once your current project is finished. A lot of people are doing a lot of different things and they are not succeeding at anything because they never finish anything. Start it, Finish it then move on to something new.