5 ways you can make your life better Right now
A few days ago I received an email asking me how one can make their life better right now. First of all I just want to point out that changing your life does not happen overnight but the way you look at life can change in a moment. The day I failed my school exams I went in school thinking I was not good enough nut when I opened the results I made a decision that I was going to have a bright future despite becoming a high school failure. Five methods changed my life and they can change yours.
1. Count your blessings: A lot of people are getting started because they can’t find anything worthwhile in their life. Counting the good things you have going for you will give you a foundation to build a brighter future. You are probably not happy today because you are not counting your blessings. In my most difficult times of my journey I just looked all the great things I had going for me, for example when I felt like I was not good enough I just remembered that I had a girlfriend who thinks the world of me or that I was living in a country where I can be anything I want to be.
2. Stop comparing yourself to other people: This is most people’s down fall, they always look at what the person next to them is doing. The most important thing you have to remember is that you are running your own race and everyone is running at a different pace to different destination. You might have made significant progress in your life but it will feel like you have not made any or enough progress. You focus on your own goal and tick off every objective when it is achieved. This will give you more motivation to work on building a better life for yourself.
3. Stop Worrying about tomorrow: What is going to happen tomorrow? Nobody Knows! A lot of people are always talking about what is going to happen tomorrow and not focusing on today. You can’t do anything about something that might happen or may not happen. The big question we should all ask ourselves is that what we can do right now with what we are facing today? Focusing on today will help you get todays tasks done and getting today’s task done will give you a chance of a brighter tomorrow.
4. Set up and stick to routines: We are creatures of habit and good habits such as getting regular exercise make us feel better. Maintaining good habits help us feel like we have control over our lives. This changed my life, it can change yours too.
5. End your day right: This has served me well over the last 10 years, I decided a long time ago that everyday was going to be a good. Now a lot of people might say surely everyday can’t be very good day? I have found that by doing something that makes someone happy at the end of a bad day will make it a good. It’s not all about you, think of the people in your life and be a light to them. When you have had a bad day and you go home and you enjoy the rest of the evening with the family, that is a good day.